Sweaters and Valentines

This week, we will be participating in is National Sweater Day on February 7th. 

Please  have your child wear a sweater for the day.  The students talked about making it “ugliest sweater day.”  So, if you have an ugly sweater, please have your child wear that!  We will be turning down the thermostadt, and learning about energy conservation for the day.  This is a whole-school event, led by our Destination Conservation Team of Lucas, Cara and Sophia.  For more info on National Sweater Day check out:  http://www.sweaterday.ca/

Valentines Day

We will be having a Valentines Day party for the M/W group on Wednesday, Feb. 13th from 1:30 – 3:00 p.m.  and for the T/Th group, Thursday, Feb. 14th from 1:30  – 3:00 p.m.  Families are welcome to join in on the fun.  We were going to do low-key, but the children really love Valentines Day, so why not?!  Please bring a snack to share and if you would like – goodies to decorate cupcakes. 

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