Simmering Goodness

In the past weeks we received lots of veggies for our Harvest Soup, a nice bit of $$ through the Walk-a-thon, and a bucket full of Owl Pellets! What are owl pellets you ask?  Owls swallow their prey whole and ’regurgitate’ the bones and fur in a dried-out lump. This is what is known as a ‘pellet’ WE then get to study all the little bones and skulls! There are lots of wonderful photos on the internet if you are interested in your own research. IF you would like your child to bring home their very own owl pellet, please send them to school with a zip lock bag and a small container to prevent it from being crushed on the way home. Hey, they could build their own rodent and bring it back at Portfolio time! Harvest Soup was delicious and plentiful. Kitchen chemistry is so much fun. Language rich, and tasty too! It simmered away for over an hour sending out a most pleasing aroma. We even had a few visitors drop by for a bowl after following their noses to our room! Do you have any Big Thick rubber bands at home? (The kind used for broccoli etc.) I need about 50 for an upcoming project. Any contributions gratefully received. “Show And Tell for the Monday/Tuesday group” We will start each day with this fun and easy way to grow our public speaking skills. Any children who would like to participate may choose to bring an object to show their classmates or talk about a recent adventure. Please help them to be prepared to talk for about 1 minute. Please help them prepare to answer a few questions from their classmates. Please do not send valuable/important items, as the school cannot be responsible for any items that get broken or go missing.  Our Thursday/Friday group did an AMAZING job helping tidy up our bookshelves last week! It looks so organized and inviting now. Many thanks to these helpers!  It is the season for planting bulbs. We were given another donation of daffodils which the students planted this week. We are looking forward the burst of yellow in the spring. October is Safety Awareness month. There will be an Earthquake drill on Thursday (tomorrow). The Monday/Tuesday group held our own separate practice this week as well. Please take a moment to review your families Reunification plan. Dental Screening for Kindergarteners: Free Dental screening for all Beaconsfield Kindergarteners will happen on Tuesday November 29th. We have Portfolios Meetings at that time, so no in-person classes, but if you would like to bring your child to the school t 9:00am to participate and take them home afterwards, please let me know as soon as possible.  Air Quality Update: Hopefully the coming rains will help clear the air, but until they do, we will be adapting our activities. For more info: Vancouver Air Quality Health Index. Or

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