Cooking Up a Storm

So long to our carved pumpkins! When we realized that a carved pumpkin is in fact a vegetable, we decided to practice our science observation skills to explore what can be done with a pumpkin when it is no longer a decoration. We explored what happens to a pumpkin that is chopped up and cooked in an oven with butter and brown sugar or is boiled up with onions and spices. The results were a science lesson that was full of math language, procedural language and delicious!  Thank you to those of you who sent along goodies to share for our Halloween festivities. Division 1 (grade 7s) showed tremendous leadership this week. They hosted a very fun Halloween event in the gym. We attended for 45 minutes. During that time, we enjoyed games and silly dances. One of our students won the grade 1 costume contest. One of our students won the grade 6 coloring contest. Thank you to those who collected and donated some thick rubber bands last week. They are well on the way to becoming whistles, harmonicas and other musical instruments. As we approach Remembrance Day, we have been having deep conversations about the importance of solving problems in peaceful ways. We are realizing that peace begins at an individual choice level. And the choices we make as individuals do make a difference in other people’s lives. So much openhearted kindness in this community! You would be most impressed by the level of thoughtful insights shared by many of children. We will gather as a whole school community at 11:00am on Thursday November 10th for a Remembrance Day assembly. At that time, we will acknowledge the impacts of war and the sacrifices of those who served on behalf of Canada during military conflicts and peacekeeping operations across the decades. Schools are closed on November 11th. If you have not yet done so, please email your time preferences for the Portfolio meetings take place from November 21 until Dec 2.

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