All families who were offered and accepted a placement for September Please Take Note: Both the Monday/ Tuesday and Thursday/Friday groups are completely full. If you know that you Will Not Be Attending in September after all, please let me know as soon as possible so that I can offer your spot to another student on our waitlist.
Families will soon begin receiving emails from myself and from the main Beaconsfield School Office. Please ensure that you mark both of these addresses as “Not Spam.” Among the items you will receive will be a calendar of important Home Learner Program Dates so you can plan for Student Learning Plan (SLP) meetings, Portfolio Presentation dates and other important events.
During the month of June I will also offer a Drop In Open House for any new students and a parent to swing by and check out the classroom so you can know what the space looks like when you arrive in the Fall. Any Current Parents who would like to attend would be very welcome to come along and share your expertise.