Lynn Canyon Great Slug Hunt Fieldtrip

On October 17th at 10:00 a.m. we have booked a field trip to Lynn Canyon Ecology Centre to participate in their Great Slug Hunt program.   The program lasts for 2 hours.  Students will…”Spend an enjoyable visit learning about one of Lynn Canyon Park’s slimiest residents- the banana slug!  In addition to indoor studies, we will also go outside for a short nature walk to learn about the forest home of the banana slug and meet some of its neighbours.”

This program is limited to 25 students maximum and does not allow parents to join in.  However, parents and siblings are welcome to explore the park and the ecology centre while the students are attending the program.  Juliana and Shannon will stay with the children.

The sign up sheet to participate in the program is on the table where the family file folders are kept. Sign-up is first come, first served, so if your child is interested, please make sure to sign up!  The cost per participant is $4.00.

If you wish, the tickets can be deducted from your allotments.  Please fill out an allotment request form with your child’s name and the total ticket cost.

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