Short But Sweet

There has been a lot of excellent collaboration on a variety of Literacy activities in the past few days. Using our own versions of several children’s classics and modern fables, we are sharing cautionary tales in novel ways.

Math activities have taken a fun twist too. Describing Math concepts with physical objects prompts us to clarify our thinking! Although I have been a bit under the weather, the students have taken advantage of the recent sunshine to make detailed science observations at the nearby park. As always, the Guest Teacher who covered for me left me wonderful notes about the students’ mature and friendly welcoming behaviours.

Reminders: Monday, May 20 is a statutory holiday. Enjoy the long weekend!

Students in the Intermediate group will be helping with the main school’s Sports Day on Friday, May 17. Our Monday/Tuesday group will have our own “Day of Sports” on Tuesday, May 21. This will be an afternoon of silly games and songs. Please dress for the weather.

PORTFOILIOS are from May 27 to June 7. (See Blog Calendar.) If you have not already done so, please let me know your 3 preferred dates and if you prefer am or pm time slot.


By LBaker

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