September 8th! A New School Year Unfolds…

Greetings Families,

Teachers are here in the school today and tomorrow learning the safety protocols, setting up spaces around the school, and getting together the things we need.  At 9:00 a.m. this morning all teachers are in meetings with our Principal, then we are in a meeting with the Superintendent for the rest of the morning.

My goal today is to reach out to as many families as I can – I know how anxious everyone is (including me!) and the lack of information as been excruciating for all of us.  I will also start setting up our Student Learning Plan meetings.  If you haven’t already, please send me your first and second choice of meeting dates and times.  After I have you booked, I will talk to each family directly about how you would like to conduct the meeting – that is, would you like to meet outside at the picnic tables, or meet online on Zoom?  That will determine also how I set up management of your Student Learning Plan and Activation Assignment.

Take a deep breath, enjoy today’s lovely weather, and rest assured you will have more information hopefully by this afternoon.




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