Lest We Forget

Remembrance Day is upon us. Prior to going off timetable for Portfolios both classes spent time discussing the importance of learning to solve problems in peaceful ways. We reflected on our privilege for being able to live in safety in Canada. The older students discussed how learning about history can help determine how adults behave later in life. Although we will not be in attendance on the day of the school Remembrance Day Assembly, we will be represented through our class’s contributions of art and poems. Please consider attending a community Remembrance Day event on Saturday, November 11.

Today, November 8, is Indigenous Veterans’ Day in Canada. Here is a link to an article about George McLean, an Indigenous Canadian Veteran of Vimy Ridge, and The Boer War. https://t.co/CpSoLzheno

Portfolio meetings are ongoing, and I continue to be amazed and inspired with the depth and rigor of work our students are doing at home. I am delighted to learn of the connections, get-togethers, and learning activities some families are organizing for each other as well. Such a unique learning community!

We return to in person learning on Tuesday, November 14.

A colleague forwarded a FREE multi language literacy resource. Check out https://storybookscanada.ca An introductory video can be found here: https://youtu.be/o0qiM7oeo3E

Here is a link to inspiring winners of a Canadian Student Video Contest. The theme was “Take Me Outside” https://t.co/9ZfCHFQ1Yk

Looking to boost your Upper Intermediate level student’s vocabulary? (Or your own!) Check out comedian Don Huely’s “Daily Word” segment. Entertaining and esoteric words offered with a pronunciation guide and a humorous example. Occasionally a bit cheeky, but never vulgar.


By L. Baker

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